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Carefully read this disclaimer information before you decide to shop at our website. Simply by using this site to find products or by placing an order, the client agrees to respect the policies set out on this page.

Website Communication

Our website is designed to provide an easy platform for the buying of sleep aids online. We offer several communication tools to help our buyers. However, the information available on our website is for general purposes only. It cannot be specific to any person or medical condition. These visitors should not use this information in making health decisions alone. You need the advice of a competent doctor for you to purchase or use any product.

We strive to provide accurate and helpful content, but errors or outdated information may exist. Buyers are advised to verify the details through other reliable sources. Consulting an expert or healthcare professional is strongly recommended before trying any product from our website. Your safety is our priority, and it is essential to follow professional guidance.

No Warranties Provided

Online Sleep Aidoffers no guarantee or warranty for any products on our website. All the sleep aids sold are only good for specific conditions. Customers must refer to their doctors before purchasing and using our products. In case a product does not produce results, we advise seeking medical consultation. We cannot guarantee that all medical information provided on our website is fully factual. The buyer should also verify it with a healthcare expert.

Medical Support and Advice

Our website gives general and basic information about the products we sell. If you are looking for specific and accurate medical advice, our website cannot serve as a substitute for consulting a doctor. Always seek guidance from a licensed medical professional before trying any medication or sleep aid.

If you experience side effects or think that you have a medical condition related to using any of our drugs, please see your doctor immediately. We shall not accept any responsibility resulting from any reactions that may be a result of the wrong use of the products that we sell. When taking intermediary products – follow the doctor's recommendations. This means that if you do not follow the instructions given to you by the doctor, then you are exposed to great health risks as much, and we cannot be held responsible for any outcomes of negligence on your part.

Limitation of Liabilities

Online Sleep Aidis not responsible for incorrect claims or misrepresentations arising from third parties or for fraudulent actions about product usage.

We exclude liabilities that we are not allowed to in applicable laws. Buyers should ensure they read all terms and conditions stated on this disclaimer page prior to making any purchase.

Disclaimer Changes

This disclaimer may be revised or modified at any moment without prior notice. Visitors and buyers should frequently check this page for any changes to the terms and conditions.

At Online Sleep Aid, we strive to ensure our customers have a hassle-free shopping experience. If you have any other questions or problems that you would like to address with us, please do so. Thank you for choosing Onlinesleepaid.com.